Washington, DC 
A World Class Destination for Children
DC Castle

DC Capital Kids offers fun-filled one-day and multi-day educational tours of Washington, DC's famous museums, historical sites and monuments. Our tour programs are designed to provide children and families with a unique opportunity to learn about the history, culture, arts and sciences of the United States and the world in an adventurous, yet relaxed setting.

Parents are encouraged to arrange a private tour for their family and experience the rewarding difference a talented, knowledgeable guide can make in a visit to our wonderful city. Parents can also schedule a tour for their children while they attend functions or business meetings. Our program provides these parents the flexibility to meet their business and/or social obligations while secure in the knowledge that their child is safe and happy while exploring Washington, DC.

DC Capital Kids also offers tours on local teacher workdays during the school year for parents who prefer an alternative to day care or sports camp.

DC Capital Kids also offers tours in foreign languages such as German, Spanish, and French. 

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